risk aware

The way you do one thing… is the way you do everything

always be learning & improving…

One lesson from decades of front & back country work, is to always expect the unexpected. That is why we re-certify, keep training, and continually practice our skills. Often the human element is where we forget to prepare for the unanticipated. How we address safety and impropiety as individuals and organizations reflects our training, prepartion, and willingness to listen and adapt. Everyone should feel safe at work. There have to be avenues to address concerns in a timely and appropriate manner, and training is how we prepare & improve.

stay ready

Working in remote-wilderness environments or a crowed office setting requires risk awareness of all kinds.


Know the hazards before you go. Recognize hazards when you get onscene.

Assessing the environment, weather, personnel, equipment, expertise, and who can help you.


Planning, training, and general logistics all prevent incidents before they occur.


Create note-taking habits and protocols for recording key information during a mission or an everyday task.